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Login WebHelper

   Its purpose is to build and manage dynamic web sites.
   It grants full functionality and freedom for designer decisions. It allows developing of multi language sites. The user is high aided in inserting new objects in his pages. All the data is duplicated on the server and client machines (if one fails backup data is stored on the other machine and allows rapid restore of all the data).
  Since 06.2006 module Login Real Estates is available which allows fully automated real estate sale system. Login Real Estates is compatible with Login WebHelper as the managed estates can be published on the site. The module allows visitors to enter new estates, which after site owners approve will be automatically published and inserted in the database of Login Real Estates.


   Login WebHelper   works with categories, objects and templates. Objects are two tipes: banners and real. The difference is in their order on the screen. On every banner is set template, which defines where and how to be displayed on the screen. The real objects are displayed by the templates of category in which are located. Objects can have text, picture and border. The templates for objects define these properties. Templates for categories define: number real objects on page, size of pictures and text, borders of objects and page, background etc.
    The system automatically generate menu by this what categories are created. The way of display is fully customizable.
    The system supports registering of users and groups. After login registered user can see objects hidden to unregistered ones.


   Login WebHelper allows advanced users to implement JavaScript or html code directly in site. They can be attached to any object in his textual part. The only thing that has to be done is inserting the tag < script > < / script > in the beginning of textual part of the object.


   Login WebHelper offers tool for saving or displaying the whole pages as RTF document.

Products | WebHelper | Gas stations | Security Manager | Customer Manager | Invoice Manager | PawnShop Manager | Fiscal Devices | Real Estates
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