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Login Pawnshop

  Login PawnShop Manager is an application used to manage all documents in a pawnshop.
It grants the ability to insert, conclusion, renewal of contracts for loan, tracking of payments and their interests, buying and selling of stocks with automated tracking of store and cash availabilities. There are rich number types of reports, statistics for contracts, contragents, stocks, reports for given periods, full archive of data, HTML help.


  Cash availabilities are distributed to directions according to type of income or charge.
Store availabilities are distributed according to own stocks /bought or gained after not owed loan, which means that they can be sold/ and pawned ones.


  The application is set up by wishes of specific customer. We offer support and updated in guaranteed period and after that.
In the application is included security module Login Security Manager. It's used to allow and disallow access /also using of specific functions, reports etc/ to given users to the system. Every action is kept in log file.
In demo version of this product it's forbidden to manage users and is inserted user 'demo' with password '111' and full privileges to the system. It supports full uninstall.


From here you can download help file.

Products | WebHelper | Gas stations | Security Manager | Customer Manager | Invoice Manager | PawnShop Manager | Fiscal Devices | Real Estates
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